10871 rank

781,482 points

750 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Archelaos the Hawk 1011   
Langendorn 2588 Archelaos the Hawk 1011 64,795,203 21,636
Archelaos the Hawk 1011    option
Brisgard 10960 Archelaos the Hawk 1011 option 1,466,392 1,187
Archelaos the Hawk 1011    afk good
Arvahall 12136 Archelaos the Hawk 1011 afk good 1,422,372 1,274
Archelaos the Hawk 1011    optionking
Dinegu 10124 Archelaos the Hawk 1011 optionking 1,331,783 1,052
Archelaos the Hawk 1011    592827
Cirgard 10502 Archelaos the Hawk 1011 592827 1,329,018 1,091
Archelaos the Hawk 1011    whaaaaaaat
Fel Dranghyr 10871 Archelaos the Hawk 1011 whaaaaaaat 781,482 750
Archelaos the Hawk 1011    option afk
East-Nagach 11205 Archelaos the Hawk 1011 option afk 751,799 770