9153 rank

1,847,977 points

541 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lothar the Great    anything goes
Greifental 8559 Lothar the Great anything goes 2,590,257 631
Lothar the Great    Beer lovers
Rugnir 6215 Lothar the Great Beer lovers 2,158,425 816
Lothar the Great    Blackadder
Dinegu 9328 Lothar the Great Blackadder 2,068,260 644
Lothar the Great    Mia San Mia
Jaims 8770 Lothar the Great Mia San Mia 1,958,948 579
Lothar the Great    Just Because
Houndsmoor 9840 Lothar the Great Just Because 1,919,205 497
Lothar the Great    The Fellowship!
Fel Dranghyr 9153 Lothar the Great The Fellowship! 1,847,977 541
Lothar the Great    for fun only
Korch 8935 Lothar the Great for fun only 1,804,072 584
Lothar the Great    ballsax
Mount Killmore 9340 Lothar the Great ballsax 1,789,460 529
Lothar the Great    Säbenerstraße1900
Sinerania 6304 Lothar the Great Säbenerstraße1900 1,414,653 516
Lothar the Great    Bavaria
Odhrorvar 8850 Lothar the Great Bavaria 1,408,350 471
Lothar the Great    MIASANMIA
Tuulech 3947 Lothar the Great MIASANMIA 1,398,233 792
Lothar the Great    just wanna play
Arvahall 12289 Lothar the Great just wanna play 1,395,939 428
Lothar the Great    All SRI LANKANS 🇱🇰
Langendorn 8896 Lothar the Great All SRI LANKANS 🇱🇰 1,365,700 518
Lothar the Great    New Roman Empire
Noarsil 9309 Lothar the Great New Roman Empire 1,259,608 453
Lothar the Great    A Team
Brisgard 11420 Lothar the Great A Team 1,251,222 529