16680 rank

56,832 points

68 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lord Reno the IV    Jump to future
Parkog 8642 Lord Reno the IV Jump to future 394,300 328
Lord Reno the IV    Christian Guild
Cirgard 16119 Lord Reno the IV Christian Guild 126,940 115
Lord Reno the IV    Independant
Dinegu 16031 Lord Reno the IV Independant 87,415 115
Lord Reno the IV    Veni vidi vici
Langendorn 15062 Lord Reno the IV Veni vidi vici 70,191 60
Lord Reno the IV    knight Templar
Fel Dranghyr 16680 Lord Reno the IV knight Templar 56,832 68
Lord Reno the IV    CIRCLE
Brisgard 19707 Lord Reno the IV CIRCLE 47,345 37
Lord Reno the IV    Earth Guardians
Jaims 17620 Lord Reno the IV Earth Guardians 32,951 23