8076 rank

3,565,467 points

996 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
willy2    Handshake
Brisgard 2049 willy2 Handshake 151,857,645 17,670
willy2    Redemption
Odhrorvar 2073 willy2 Redemption 104,297,438 19,189
willy2    The war of Legos
Arvahall 9845 willy2 The war of Legos 4,143,286 1,126
Fel Dranghyr 8076 willy2 3,565,467 996
willy2    THE DAMNED
Dinegu 8460 willy2 THE DAMNED 3,428,409 723
Houndsmoor 11266 willy2 933,596 1,228
willy2    The Guild
Greifental 10336 willy2 The Guild 931,147 831
willy2    Boss Killers
East-Nagach 10999 willy2 Boss Killers 845,497 615
Cirgard 11718 willy2 815,414 551
Jaims 11824 willy2 447,919 767
Korch 12559 willy2 308,831 1,131
Langendorn 12770 willy2 203,559 254
willy2    Trade Alliance
Mount Killmore 14947 willy2 Trade Alliance 170,338 264