4992 rank

20,035,685 points

2,113 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Hippocrates the Sly 8877    Soloists
Sinerania 676 Hippocrates the Sly 8877 Soloists 184,047,173 13,420
Hippocrates the Sly 8877    The Haven
Mount Killmore 4203 Hippocrates the Sly 8877 The Haven 28,376,366 2,330
Hippocrates the Sly 8877   
Rugnir 2766 Hippocrates the Sly 8877 28,252,750 2,576
Hippocrates the Sly 8877    TradePoint
Fel Dranghyr 4992 Hippocrates the Sly 8877 TradePoint 20,035,685 2,113
Hippocrates the Sly 8877   
Cirgard 5615 Hippocrates the Sly 8877 16,969,935 1,879
Hippocrates the Sly 8877    No requirement
Arvahall 6834 Hippocrates the Sly 8877 No requirement 14,639,979 1,835