14375 rank

157,097 points

285 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
OldRoberto    Walking
Rugnir 8660 OldRoberto Walking 530,258 604
OldRoberto    Martins
Noarsil 11861 OldRoberto Martins 361,735 654
OldRoberto    Hair of the Dog
Brisgard 15049 OldRoberto Hair of the Dog 288,896 507
OldRoberto    People of the EMPIRE
East-Nagach 13912 OldRoberto People of the EMPIRE 235,541 376
OldRoberto    Ocieania
Mount Killmore 14468 OldRoberto Ocieania 213,568 323
OldRoberto    Sanctuary of Athena
Cirgard 15067 OldRoberto Sanctuary of Athena 203,061 400
OldRoberto    Deuxberry
Fel Dranghyr 14375 OldRoberto Deuxberry 157,097 285
OldRoberto    Knights Allies
Uceria 6614 OldRoberto Knights Allies 128,973 173