6185 rank

10,523,222 points

23,415 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Talath    Happy Wanderers
Fel Dranghyr 6185 Talath Happy Wanderers 10,523,222 23,415
Talath    Governors
Dinegu 6483 Talath Governors 10,040,631 22,253
Talath    Guardians of the
Odhrorvar 5655 Talath Guardians of the 9,608,547 23,115
Talath    Trading company
Mount Killmore 6305 Talath Trading company 9,195,892 22,068
Talath    Wolf Traders Freedom
Brisgard 7411 Talath Wolf Traders Freedom 8,909,520 25,476
Talath    Oxygen Thieves
Tuulech 4344 Talath Oxygen Thieves 989,165 176