7495 rank

4,839,932 points

4,137 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
BlowFishh    Diamond Chasers
Fel Dranghyr 7495 BlowFishh Diamond Chasers 4,839,932 4,137
BlowFishh    Black Swan
East-Nagach 7753 BlowFishh Black Swan 4,823,337 4,030
BlowFishh    Outcasts
Cirgard 9166 BlowFishh Outcasts 2,617,614 4,691
BlowFishh    Diamond Chasers
Arvahall 10847 BlowFishh Diamond Chasers 2,478,685 4,009
BlowFishh    The Rebels
Brisgard 9849 BlowFishh The Rebels 2,455,467 3,952
Greifental 8615 BlowFishh 2,440,447 3,916
Dinegu 8964 BlowFishh 2,433,278 3,956
Houndsmoor 9351 BlowFishh 2,421,287 4,017
Jaims 10654 BlowFishh 776,418 836