1400 rank

246,862,781 points

24,727 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bold John    Demented Donkeys™
Jaims 1141 Bold John Demented Donkeys™ 267,619,328 25,458
Bold John    NO RULES recruiting
Brisgard 1453 Bold John NO RULES recruiting 247,078,121 24,717
Bold John    The Regulators
Fel Dranghyr 1400 Bold John The Regulators 246,862,781 24,727
Bold John    Solome
Greifental 1441 Bold John Solome 231,574,510 24,902
Bold John    no time for GE atm
Odhrorvar 1311 Bold John no time for GE atm 203,893,591 25,203