6724 rank

8,184,056 points

4,450 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Mount Killmore 624 soroba 575,698,317 130,984
soroba    Ronin
Odhrorvar 993 soroba Ronin 303,954,216 64,744
soroba    People’sFrontOfJudea
Jaims 1542 soroba People’sFrontOfJudea 192,259,549 52,006
soroba    The Illuminated
Korch 3605 soroba The Illuminated 41,003,796 10,369
Sinerania 2230 soroba 30,235,086 16,691
soroba    MethodInTheMadness
Arvahall 5283 soroba MethodInTheMadness 29,710,274 9,406
soroba    Black Death
Rugnir 3280 soroba Black Death 19,941,669 6,542
soroba    MKUltra
Houndsmoor 6070 soroba MKUltra 15,719,359 5,477
soroba    Spirits Unlimited
Cirgard 5965 soroba Spirits Unlimited 14,719,288 11,246
soroba    the gamers
Brisgard 6460 soroba the gamers 13,842,941 3,802
soroba    Scotia
Greifental 5913 soroba Scotia 12,446,547 6,465
soroba    THE SPA
Noarsil 6230 soroba THE SPA 8,350,942 4,195
soroba    Easygoing
Fel Dranghyr 6724 soroba Easygoing 8,184,056 4,450
soroba    Australis
East-Nagach 6934 soroba Australis 8,133,656 4,198
Parkog 4176 soroba 8,043,689 5,508