3571 rank

47,530,053 points

14,358 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Graystoke the Grey    Grim's Folly
Arvahall 2887 Graystoke the Grey Grim's Folly 96,927,673 18,460
Graystoke the Grey    Fel Town Rockers
Fel Dranghyr 3571 Graystoke the Grey Fel Town Rockers 47,530,053 14,358
Graystoke the Grey    Third Guild
Cirgard 4587 Graystoke the Grey Third Guild 28,674,462 8,796
Graystoke the Grey    The Primarchs
Korch 4618 Graystoke the Grey The Primarchs 21,168,085 7,284
Graystoke the Grey    Omac
Jaims 4754 Graystoke the Grey Omac 20,188,968 6,276
Graystoke the Grey    Grumpy old Men
Tuulech 1795 Graystoke the Grey Grumpy old Men 14,724,502 6,098
Graystoke the Grey    Another Folly
Sinerania 5017 Graystoke the Grey Another Folly 3,676,477 5,390
Graystoke the Grey    CHROME HEARTS
Parkog 6413 Graystoke the Grey CHROME HEARTS 1,402,782 2,024
Graystoke the Grey    Grumpy Old Men
East-Nagach 13924 Graystoke the Grey Grumpy Old Men 225,698 266
Graystoke the Grey    Hempsted
Houndsmoor 16438 Graystoke the Grey Hempsted 95,341 14