12145 rank

423,814 points

657 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ellycat    eggselent
Greifental 10767 Ellycat eggselent 751,818 554
Ellycat    Blacktop
Cirgard 13066 Ellycat Blacktop 462,448 593
Ellycat    St Piran
Arvahall 15267 Ellycat St Piran 452,811 538
Ellycat    Wonderlust
Fel Dranghyr 12145 Ellycat Wonderlust 423,814 657
Ellycat    zulu arrows
Noarsil 11911 Ellycat zulu arrows 345,136 431
Ellycat    Empire of Black Sun
Houndsmoor 13543 Ellycat Empire of Black Sun 339,344 409
Ellycat    BigMasters
Parkog 9019 Ellycat BigMasters 305,423 417
Ellycat    Honor
Brisgard 15936 Ellycat Honor 197,615 305
Mount Killmore 14918 Ellycat 169,867 279
Ellycat    Pescadores
Langendorn 13739 Ellycat Pescadores 124,874 247
Ellycat    The Explorer
Jaims 18168 Ellycat The Explorer 25,623 57