2000 rank

148,831,011 points

44,458 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
bigray144    chilled out
Mount Killmore 1101 bigray144 chilled out 300,485,155 74,932
bigray144    FRIENDS
Greifental 1696 bigray144 FRIENDS 190,485,515 38,110
bigray144    Phoenix Risen
Brisgard 2052 bigray144 Phoenix Risen 156,604,421 44,333
bigray144    Mystic Demons 😈
Fel Dranghyr 2000 bigray144 Mystic Demons 😈 148,831,011 44,458
bigray144    Forge of Legends ⚒️
Langendorn 1761 bigray144 Forge of Legends ⚒️ 141,266,264 39,042
bigray144    The Cuckoo's Nest
Arvahall 2355 bigray144 The Cuckoo's Nest 141,032,754 42,194