7210 rank

6,002,648 points

8,786 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
leone_2006    DIAMOND FARM
Greifental 6307 leone_2006 DIAMOND FARM 9,944,656 9,885
leone_2006    Scotland the Bravest
Arvahall 8681 leone_2006 Scotland the Bravest 6,979,199 9,948
leone_2006    ChillZone
Fel Dranghyr 7210 leone_2006 ChillZone 6,002,648 8,786
leone_2006    Wiking
Cirgard 7828 leone_2006 Wiking 5,712,127 7,459
leone_2006    NO RULES recruiting
Brisgard 8562 leone_2006 NO RULES recruiting 5,240,199 6,772
leone_2006    The Elements
Dinegu 7867 leone_2006 The Elements 4,916,552 6,731
leone_2006    Assassins Elite
East-Nagach 8197 leone_2006 Assassins Elite 3,960,764 6,007
leone_2006    Happy Days
Tuulech 3537 leone_2006 Happy Days 2,130,879 5,269
leone_2006    Knights Overwatch
Langendorn 8891 leone_2006 Knights Overwatch 1,367,261 4,375
leone_2006    The knights of Nee
Jaims 12747 leone_2006 The knights of Nee 293,040 997