14281 rank

157,249 points

236 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Agathokles the Cruelest   
East-Nagach 3183 Agathokles the Cruelest 63,917,413 9,144
Agathokles the Cruelest   
Cirgard 15036 Agathokles the Cruelest 198,573 257
Agathokles the Cruelest   
Jaims 13895 Agathokles the Cruelest 170,473 223
Agathokles the Cruelest   
Fel Dranghyr 14281 Agathokles the Cruelest 157,249 236
Agathokles the Cruelest   
Houndsmoor 15529 Agathokles the Cruelest 140,541 179
Agathokles the Cruelest   
Rugnir 11236 Agathokles the Cruelest 132,278 230