12647 rank

348,475 points

640 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Milliecat    ✨Weekend Warriors✨
Houndsmoor 679 Milliecat ✨Weekend Warriors✨ 553,776,873 174,278
Milliecat    Revelation
Arvahall 11919 Milliecat Revelation 1,573,224 3,188
Milliecat    G B
Parkog 7249 Milliecat G B 798,651 1,946
Milliecat    New Republic Reborn
Cirgard 11732 Milliecat New Republic Reborn 797,389 2,433
Milliecat    Grumpy Old People
Jaims 10974 Milliecat Grumpy Old People 676,211 1,621
Milliecat    Blood Eagle
Odhrorvar 10477 Milliecat Blood Eagle 603,661 1,699
Milliecat    DarkSideOfTheMoon
Dinegu 12341 Milliecat DarkSideOfTheMoon 485,018 1,209
Milliecat    The Crazy Crew
East-Nagach 12426 Milliecat The Crazy Crew 441,818 1,344
Milliecat    Knights
Brisgard 14449 Milliecat Knights 352,057 1,244
Milliecat    Shadows Ashes
Fel Dranghyr 12647 Milliecat Shadows Ashes 348,475 640
Milliecat    Chill
Greifental 14977 Milliecat Chill 107,138 274