10560 rank

890,539 points

347 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Zoreiana    Gattaca
Brisgard 3200 Zoreiana Gattaca 72,608,641 22,261
Arvahall 7826 Zoreiana 9,967,869 3,943
Korch 6894 Zoreiana 6,032,470 2,950
Zoreiana    Awesome chinchillas
Dinegu 10262 Zoreiana Awesome chinchillas 1,242,797 376
Zoreiana    Foe Hammerers
Cirgard 11250 Zoreiana Foe Hammerers 984,432 278
Zoreiana    The Pale Rider
Jaims 10283 Zoreiana The Pale Rider 905,822 515
Zoreiana    Violent gerbils
Fel Dranghyr 10560 Zoreiana Violent gerbils 890,539 347
Zoreiana    Knackered
Greifental 10557 Zoreiana Knackered 823,954 250
Zoreiana    House Baratheon
East-Nagach 11154 Zoreiana House Baratheon 777,960 295
Zoreiana    Violent Gerbils
Houndsmoor 11755 Zoreiana Violent Gerbils 743,746 252