1243 rank

265,795,950 points

76,906 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
smurf113    Invictus
Fel Dranghyr 1243 smurf113 Invictus 265,795,950 76,906
smurf113    seek and destroy
Dinegu 4667 smurf113 seek and destroy 24,313,817 15,202
smurf113    only the lonely
Arvahall 9590 smurf113 only the lonely 4,379,668 5,661
smurf113    lone shark
Cirgard 9651 smurf113 lone shark 2,021,348 3,012
smurf113    rembrant
East-Nagach 9531 smurf113 rembrant 1,726,809 6,091