3789 rank

38,106,839 points

14,158 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
iguandy    The ASYLUM
Rugnir 1867 iguandy The ASYLUM 54,410,948 26,434
iguandy    Rocketown
Fel Dranghyr 3789 iguandy Rocketown 38,106,839 14,158
iguandy    Rocketown
Brisgard 4442 iguandy Rocketown 32,785,417 11,247
iguandy    Rocketown
Noarsil 4009 iguandy Rocketown 29,102,393 7,536
iguandy    Rocketown
Jaims 4129 iguandy Rocketown 26,454,329 11,379
iguandy    Australian Force
East-Nagach 4762 iguandy Australian Force 21,905,931 8,364
iguandy    Rocketown
Odhrorvar 4271 iguandy Rocketown 19,708,437 6,204
iguandy    Prestige
Greifental 5157 iguandy Prestige 17,442,892 6,297
iguandy    Rocketown
Korch 4849 iguandy Rocketown 17,425,477 4,629
iguandy    🚤The Blue Ship🚤rec
Sinerania 2796 iguandy 🚤The Blue Ship🚤rec 16,629,253 13,239
iguandy    Rocketown
Langendorn 4780 iguandy Rocketown 15,713,681 3,205
iguandy    Rocketown
Mount Killmore 5267 iguandy Rocketown 14,553,805 3,186
iguandy    The Vixen's Lair
Houndsmoor 6078 iguandy The Vixen's Lair 14,246,214 3,335
iguandy    Rocketown
Dinegu 5683 iguandy Rocketown 13,990,249 3,396
iguandy    "Tis But a Scratch"
Cirgard 5879 iguandy "Tis But a Scratch" 13,709,025 3,191
iguandy    Rocketown
Arvahall 7030 iguandy Rocketown 12,422,573 7,217