5226 rank

14,561,169 points

5,085 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
bigmattaus    Winterfell
Houndsmoor 5307 bigmattaus Winterfell 18,377,767 6,186
bigmattaus    Vanguard Castle
Fel Dranghyr 5226 bigmattaus Vanguard Castle 14,561,169 5,085
bigmattaus    Lionheart
Odhrorvar 4705 bigmattaus Lionheart 13,619,184 5,346
bigmattaus    PALLADINS
Cirgard 6275 bigmattaus PALLADINS 10,118,808 5,431
bigmattaus    Dawn of the Phoenix
Mount Killmore 5914 bigmattaus Dawn of the Phoenix 9,346,160 5,375
bigmattaus    Wolf Traders Freedom
Brisgard 7614 bigmattaus Wolf Traders Freedom 6,863,017 5,253