10353 rank

993,084 points

177 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
LeyLey    BloodFellas
Arvahall 121 LeyLey BloodFellas 1,633,808,583 410,614
LeyLey    Guerrilla Warfare
Cirgard 5095 LeyLey Guerrilla Warfare 20,294,628 6,488
LeyLey    Forge of Misfits
Brisgard 8590 LeyLey Forge of Misfits 4,886,987 969
LeyLey    Diamond Chasers
Greifental 8595 LeyLey Diamond Chasers 2,470,691 171
LeyLey    Diamond Chasers
Langendorn 7902 LeyLey Diamond Chasers 2,450,254 166
LeyLey    Diamond Chasers
Jaims 8891 LeyLey Diamond Chasers 1,785,340 182
LeyLey    Diamond Chasers
Korch 9043 LeyLey Diamond Chasers 1,681,488 161
LeyLey    Diamond Chasers
Houndsmoor 10080 LeyLey Diamond Chasers 1,619,684 168
LeyLey    Diamond Chasers
Dinegu 10025 LeyLey Diamond Chasers 1,398,898 190
LeyLey    Diamond Chasers
East-Nagach 10086 LeyLey Diamond Chasers 1,311,028 179
LeyLey    Diamond Chasers
Fel Dranghyr 10353 LeyLey Diamond Chasers 993,084 177