1830 rank

172,763,439 points

70,200 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
sideralo    Black Roses
Mount Killmore 25 sideralo Black Roses 3,390,194,628 813,619
sideralo    Chilled Guild πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦
Arvahall 202 sideralo Chilled Guild πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ 1,534,509,453 434,580
sideralo    The Vixen's Lair
Houndsmoor 344 sideralo The Vixen's Lair 1,160,892,048 326,429
sideralo    White Star
Cirgard 507 sideralo White Star 769,248,642 258,841
sideralo    Amat Victoria Curam
Sinerania 646 sideralo Amat Victoria Curam 207,558,338 85,314
sideralo    The Pirate Ship
Fel Dranghyr 1830 sideralo The Pirate Ship 172,763,439 70,200
sideralo    Brave Heart
Langendorn 1574 sideralo Brave Heart 170,234,835 77,065
sideralo    Beer Drinkers
Jaims 3360 sideralo Beer Drinkers 49,051,478 59,563