5826 rank

11,843,577 points

3,454 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
stretford16    Dracones Flamma
Arvahall 6590 stretford16 Dracones Flamma 14,813,956 4,044
stretford16    Good Thing!
Rugnir 3527 stretford16 Good Thing! 14,056,532 4,095
stretford16    The Oculus
Brisgard 6277 stretford16 The Oculus 13,420,706 4,656
stretford16    Team Exceptions
Fel Dranghyr 5826 stretford16 Team Exceptions 11,843,577 3,454
stretford16    The Avengers🌠
Odhrorvar 5258 stretford16 The Avengers🌠 11,166,459 3,298
stretford16    NOT SO SERIOUS
East-Nagach 6402 stretford16 NOT SO SERIOUS 9,709,255 3,210
stretford16    The Traders Guild
Greifental 6422 stretford16 The Traders Guild 8,876,132 3,573