4691 rank

23,783,140 points

4,621 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
dede the great dog    SPARTA EMPIRE
Jaims 4249 dede the great dog SPARTA EMPIRE 27,111,376 5,508
dede the great dog    Pheonix Rising
Fel Dranghyr 4691 dede the great dog Pheonix Rising 23,783,140 4,621
dede the great dog    Knights Templar
Brisgard 5843 dede the great dog Knights Templar 17,621,268 3,478
dede the great dog    Mordor
Uceria 1867 dede the great dog Mordor 9,982,858 2,390
dede the great dog   
Houndsmoor 10780 dede the great dog 1,163,689 611