2720 rank

86,160,334 points

58,521 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Merran the peaceful    Equinox
Uceria 332 Merran the peaceful Equinox 134,117,979 114,220
Merran the peaceful    Sunshine
Fel Dranghyr 2720 Merran the peaceful Sunshine 86,160,334 58,521
Merran the peaceful    Meadow by the Lake
Arvahall 4789 Merran the peaceful Meadow by the Lake 36,275,229 24,573
Merran the peaceful    The Dojo
Houndsmoor 5063 Merran the peaceful The Dojo 26,601,886 43,032
Merran the peaceful    Trade&GreatBuildings
Greifental 9803 Merran the peaceful Trade&GreatBuildings 1,231,672 1,338
Merran the peaceful    Friendly Folk
Cirgard 11299 Merran the peaceful Friendly Folk 961,931 1,918