9219 rank

1,756,548 points

3,656 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Imperial Ishtar   
Rugnir 3607 Imperial Ishtar 13,277,200 14,949
Imperial Ishtar   
Mount Killmore 6011 Imperial Ishtar 10,017,380 12,107
Imperial Ishtar   
Sinerania 4020 Imperial Ishtar 6,883,342 10,187
Imperial Ishtar    The Gateway
Fel Dranghyr 9219 Imperial Ishtar The Gateway 1,756,548 3,656
Imperial Ishtar   
Brisgard 12163 Imperial Ishtar 876,193 198
Imperial Ishtar    Gateway to Infinity
Cirgard 13348 Imperial Ishtar Gateway to Infinity 417,675 1,251