17011 rank

48,405 points

111 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Queeny the Queen   
Fel Dranghyr 17011 Queeny the Queen 48,405 111
Queeny the Queen   
Greifental 16603 Queeny the Queen 47,910 113
Queeny the Queen   
Sinerania 12945 Queeny the Queen 45,996 113
Queeny the Queen   
Odhrorvar 15818 Queeny the Queen 45,827 112
Queeny the Queen   
Noarsil 16297 Queeny the Queen 44,999 113
Queeny the Queen   
Houndsmoor 18367 Queeny the Queen 44,540 115
Queeny the Queen   
Parkog 12871 Queeny the Queen 44,172 118
Queeny the Queen   
Mount Killmore 18355 Queeny the Queen 43,219 103
Queeny the Queen   
Brisgard 19997 Queeny the Queen 42,244 110
Queeny the Queen   
Jaims 17091 Queeny the Queen 42,010 99