10761 rank

839,436 points

884 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Elfie the strong    Rosebud
East-Nagach 7391 Elfie the strong Rosebud 5,199,731 2,634
Elfie the strong   
Houndsmoor 8656 Elfie the strong 3,410,988 1,317
Elfie the strong    Elf
Brisgard 9313 Elfie the strong Elf 2,956,954 2,023
Elfie the strong   
Arvahall 12127 Elfie the strong 1,353,730 1,541
Elfie the strong   
Fel Dranghyr 10761 Elfie the strong 839,436 884
Elfie the strong    Elfie
Cirgard 11709 Elfie the strong Elfie 809,100 686
Elfie the strong   
Dinegu 11450 Elfie the strong 722,982 737
Elfie the strong   
Uceria 3435 Elfie the strong 672,448 728
Elfie the strong   
Langendorn 10534 Elfie the strong 619,528 1,325
Elfie the strong   
Jaims 11741 Elfie the strong 481,551 832
Elfie the strong   
Korch 12922 Elfie the strong 304,327 475
Elfie the strong   
Mount Killmore 15859 Elfie the strong 139,974 75