9217 rank

1,753,108 points

2,253 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Neit    Lazy bastards
Fel Dranghyr 9217 Neit Lazy bastards 1,753,108 2,253
Neit    Slo Mo
Tuulech 3689 Neit Slo Mo 1,430,851 2,527
Neit    Lands of Gods🦊
Parkog 6491 Neit Lands of Gods🦊 1,268,604 1,997
Neit    The People’s Front
Jaims 9631 Neit The People’s Front 1,217,528 1,592
Neit    The Rebels!
Rugnir 9140 Neit The Rebels! 383,929 844
Neit    Heroic Age
Noarsil 12855 Neit Heroic Age 234,652 455