14513 rank

148,374 points

118 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Earl of PRILL    Born to Run
Uceria 4314 Earl of PRILL Born to Run 477,029 278
Earl of PRILL    OMEGA!!!
Parkog 8203 Earl of PRILL OMEGA!!! 462,584 248
Earl of PRILL    The Great Warrior
Noarsil 12213 Earl of PRILL The Great Warrior 313,710 220
Earl of PRILL    Kremna
Dinegu 13384 Earl of PRILL Kremna 306,171 198
Earl of PRILL    kurdistan
Arvahall 17764 Earl of PRILL kurdistan 191,896 156
Earl of PRILL   
Korch 13780 Earl of PRILL 179,771 198
Earl of PRILL    Circle of Shadows
Langendorn 13231 Earl of PRILL Circle of Shadows 169,534 172
Earl of PRILL    Falcon
Fel Dranghyr 14513 Earl of PRILL Falcon 148,374 118
Earl of PRILL    Princess Leia's
Cirgard 16013 Earl of PRILL Princess Leia's 133,738 132
Earl of PRILL   
East-Nagach 16774 Earl of PRILL 67,030 115