5292 rank

15,807,426 points

15,778 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Maven of Mayhem    Sons of Gwalia
Dinegu 2645 Maven of Mayhem Sons of Gwalia 87,644,153 56,424
Maven of Mayhem    ⚔️Valhalla Rising⚔️
Sinerania 1266 Maven of Mayhem ⚔️Valhalla Rising⚔️ 67,141,214 49,612
Maven of Mayhem    You're welcome!
Fel Dranghyr 5292 Maven of Mayhem You're welcome! 15,807,426 15,778
Maven of Mayhem    The Herbalists 💨🌲
Mount Killmore 6386 Maven of Mayhem The Herbalists 💨🌲 8,358,906 5,998