16076 rank

75,760 points

173 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
BuilderStan16306    Snowowl
Parkog 9413 BuilderStan16306 Snowowl 249,784 368
BuilderStan16306    Bolder then the Bold
Arvahall 17829 BuilderStan16306 Bolder then the Bold 185,501 283
BuilderStan16306    Hair of the Dog
Brisgard 16260 BuilderStan16306 Hair of the Dog 174,152 300
BuilderStan16306    PhoenixRising
Mount Killmore 16727 BuilderStan16306 PhoenixRising 84,698 202
BuilderStan16306    Small World
Fel Dranghyr 16076 BuilderStan16306 Small World 75,760 173
BuilderStan16306    yyy
Noarsil 15265 BuilderStan16306 yyy 73,438 229
BuilderStan16306    gips
Cirgard 17600 BuilderStan16306 gips 68,403 221
BuilderStan16306    Hidden Village
Langendorn 16243 BuilderStan16306 Hidden Village 44,018 154