6206 rank

9,644,622 points

2,191 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
super j c    The leftovers
Arvahall 7253 super j c The leftovers 11,379,788 2,691
super j c    Slap Truck
Jaims 5730 super j c Slap Truck 10,953,859 2,539
super j c    League of Assassin's
Houndsmoor 6640 super j c League of Assassin's 10,699,400 2,319
super j c    Clan of Brisgard
Brisgard 6901 super j c Clan of Brisgard 10,270,255 2,377
super j c    With the God's:
Greifental 6152 super j c With the God's: 10,129,039 2,266
super j c    The Acorn
Cirgard 6555 super j c The Acorn 9,891,838 2,399
super j c    NatteVogterne
East-Nagach 6389 super j c NatteVogterne 9,801,281 2,383
super j c    BALKAN KNIGHT'S
Fel Dranghyr 6206 super j c BALKAN KNIGHT'S 9,644,622 2,191
super j c    Forgotten Heroes
Dinegu 6496 super j c Forgotten Heroes 9,353,005 2,274