Rank Name
1 scorpio0811
1 scorpio0811
2 Gorboduc the Mighty 1112
2 Gorboduc the Mighty 1112
3 Freida the Ferocious
3 Freida the Ferocious
4 Brennius the Bold 943
4 Brennius the Bold 943
5 Churro the plumpy
5 Churro the plumpy
6 Speds123
6 Speds123
7 Vincent ii
7 Vincent ii
8 Eccocop
8 Eccocop
9 dia2022
9 dia2022
10 Jean Luc Ricard
10 Jean Luc Ricard
11 hellstalker
11 hellstalker
12 Archimedes the Hawk 1836
12 Archimedes the Hawk 1836
13 Tim2Guns
13 Tim2Guns
14 victim2010
14 victim2010
15 crookedman
15 crookedman
16 Lilybasescu
16 Lilybasescu
17 Green frogman
17 Green frogman
18 sbonet
18 sbonet
19 Saska
19 Saska
20 stuie44
20 stuie44
21 Shazzygamer69
21 Shazzygamer69
22 TitianMinotaur
22 TitianMinotaur
24 pdmm2525
24 pdmm2525
25 AdmiralAckbar
25 AdmiralAckbar
26 Kento Marek
26 Kento Marek
27 Eline
27 Eline
28 Casticus the Just 1229
28 Casticus the Just 1229
29 RadioWaves
29 RadioWaves
30 Brutus the Wicked 887
30 Brutus the Wicked 887
31 Robin Anaximander
31 Robin Anaximander
32 BennyMV
32 BennyMV
33 Betty Blackstone
33 Betty Blackstone
34 bobsbobsbobs
34 bobsbobsbobs
35 Marija26
35 Marija26
36 billyguestrat
36 billyguestrat
37 dosbrah
37 dosbrah
38 Aevum Ex Machina
38 Aevum Ex Machina
39 Heraclius the Bold 1739
39 Heraclius the Bold 1739
40 Just sir will do
40 Just sir will do
41 PerttiAntero
41 PerttiAntero
42 SAMAEL49550
42 SAMAEL49550
43 Awesome64133
43 Awesome64133
44 roula3
44 roula3
45 Theresa the Strong 1516
45 Theresa the Strong 1516
46 TheSleepyOne
46 TheSleepyOne
47 Alterna
47 Alterna
48 NoBrainer
48 NoBrainer
49 Zorrokoira2023
49 Zorrokoira2023
50 Anastasius the Bold 3274
50 Anastasius the Bold 3274
51 jaguar77
51 jaguar77
52 MoonlightCrystal50977
52 MoonlightCrystal50977
53 Martilyo
53 Martilyo
54 Berus
54 Berus
55 Leoniditis
55 Leoniditis
56 kunsunbg
56 kunsunbg
57 Euphemia the Bloody 1447
57 Euphemia the Bloody 1447
58 Iphigenia the Wise 2875
58 Iphigenia the Wise 2875
59 Anna the Cruel 1197
59 Anna the Cruel 1197
60 Sleepy Owl
60 Sleepy Owl
61 Theodosius the Sly 2911
61 Theodosius the Sly 2911
62 IronCurtain
62 IronCurtain
63 Fernandafw
63 Fernandafw
64 Tiberius the Lucky 1113
64 Tiberius the Lucky 1113
65 Antiochos the White 1811
65 Antiochos the White 1811

activity index

- Inactive player.
- Only produced resources - farmer.
- At least one battle - fighter.

The activity index is calculated as the total number of all days for each player in the guild.