338 rank

846,261,783 points

203,745 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
paulinus the bold    Arc Angels
Greifental 338 paulinus the bold Arc Angels 846,261,783 203,745
paulinus the bold    Lynx
Noarsil 294 paulinus the bold Lynx 767,350,712 200,796
paulinus the bold    Pub Crawlers 🍻
Mount Killmore 1408 paulinus the bold Pub Crawlers 🍻 166,686,841 44,816
paulinus the bold    S.P.Q.R
Korch 1651 paulinus the bold S.P.Q.R 131,079,670 43,564
paulinus the bold   
Sinerania 3108 paulinus the bold 11,718,352 9,811
paulinus the bold    Ankh Morpork
Rugnir 5666 paulinus the bold Ankh Morpork 2,760,175 2,855