16 rank

3,760,421,921 points

816,935 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Solar.    Ascent
Greifental 16 Solar. Ascent 3,760,421,921 816,935
Solar.    Chill Zone (J)
Jaims 884 Solar. Chill Zone (J) 361,558,849 107,850
East-Nagach 1197 Solar. LOONEY TUNES 312,012,498 142,416
Solar.    Chill zone c
Cirgard 1943 Solar. Chill zone c 149,944,137 79,735
Solar.    Fellowship of Celts
Arvahall 2516 Solar. Fellowship of Celts 122,330,717 65,208
Solar.    Twoms loons
Odhrorvar 2400 Solar. Twoms loons 78,526,223 47,534
Solar.    Lords of Rugnir
Rugnir 2935 Solar. Lords of Rugnir 24,605,810 14,299