14196 rank

146,070 points

297 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
lindita123    VAL
Noarsil 5348 lindita123 VAL 13,616,814 4,905
lindita123    Creeping Death
Tuulech 3890 lindita123 Creeping Death 1,465,470 1,255
lindita123    Orange Riders
Sinerania 6802 lindita123 Orange Riders 1,054,827 932
lindita123    No Worries
Uceria 5182 lindita123 No Worries 305,245 269
lindita123    Kings of the North
Cirgard 14204 lindita123 Kings of the North 286,790 324
lindita123    North End
Brisgard 14995 lindita123 North End 284,766 368
lindita123    The Negociators
East-Nagach 14342 lindita123 The Negociators 186,706 326
lindita123    The Kangaroos
Parkog 10158 lindita123 The Kangaroos 170,158 218
lindita123    Jolly Jackals
Dinegu 14650 lindita123 Jolly Jackals 165,969 287
lindita123    son of the north
Langendorn 13437 lindita123 son of the north 149,264 263
lindita123    Neptune
Arvahall 18390 lindita123 Neptune 146,416 198
lindita123    EJS
Greifental 14196 lindita123 EJS 146,070 297
lindita123    Chefs Who Schweff
Jaims 15236 lindita123 Chefs Who Schweff 89,427 114
lindita123    The EYE
Odhrorvar 14404 lindita123 The EYE 89,061 192
lindita123    The Bastion
Rugnir 12063 lindita123 The Bastion 86,919 89