9798 rank

1,218,999 points

1,563 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bob the bonkers   
Rugnir 5067 Bob the bonkers 4,970,130 3,412
Bob the bonkers   
Noarsil 7999 Bob the bonkers 2,618,599 2,357
Bob the bonkers   
Cirgard 9526 Bob the bonkers 2,196,057 2,931
Bob the bonkers    Alibalibe
East-Nagach 9409 Bob the bonkers Alibalibe 1,870,501 2,293
Bob the bonkers   
Langendorn 8515 Bob the bonkers 1,677,557 2,276
Bob the bonkers   
Houndsmoor 10229 Bob the bonkers 1,525,391 2,545
Bob the bonkers   
Odhrorvar 8795 Bob the bonkers 1,414,468 1,647
Bob the bonkers   
Sinerania 6280 Bob the bonkers 1,405,795 1,802
Bob the bonkers    Bobs town
Greifental 9798 Bob the bonkers Bobs town 1,218,999 1,563
Bob the bonkers   
Jaims 9916 Bob the bonkers 1,063,063 1,216
Bob the bonkers    Just for pass time
Parkog 7327 Bob the bonkers Just for pass time 786,023 1,736
Bob the bonkers    Bonkers
Arvahall 13772 Bob the bonkers Bonkers 772,761 809