7890 rank

3,849,580 points

4,134 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Knight knight the Great    %%S
Sinerania 4642 Knight knight the Great %%S 4,411,260 4,212
Knight knight the Great    %%B
Brisgard 8856 Knight knight the Great %%B 4,238,325 3,732
Knight knight the Great    %%F
Fel Dranghyr 7869 Knight knight the Great %%F 3,932,051 3,476
Knight knight the Great    %%MG
Mount Killmore 7870 Knight knight the Great %%MG 3,866,653 3,410
Knight knight the Great    %%%
Korch 7603 Knight knight the Great %%% 3,859,301 3,906
Knight knight the Great    %%G
Greifental 7890 Knight knight the Great %%G 3,849,580 4,134
Knight knight the Great    Knight knight
Jaims 7687 Knight knight the Great Knight knight 3,698,571 3,546