17285 rank

42,163 points

8 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
sgt colon   
Houndsmoor 1461 sgt colon 208,127,005 65,672
sgt colon    bad river butchers
Jaims 9011 sgt colon bad river butchers 1,641,772 1,691
sgt colon    The Great A'Tuin
Arvahall 11985 sgt colon The Great A'Tuin 1,478,288 987
sgt colon    bad river butchers
Brisgard 11069 sgt colon bad river butchers 1,382,635 890
sgt colon    bad river butchers
Korch 10686 sgt colon bad river butchers 772,516 1,084
sgt colon    bad river butchers
Langendorn 10671 sgt colon bad river butchers 564,009 163
sgt colon    bigfoot believers
Odhrorvar 11327 sgt colon bigfoot believers 422,724 185
sgt colon    bad river butchers
Dinegu 14897 sgt colon bad river butchers 166,611 108
sgt colon    bad river butchers
Mount Killmore 15692 sgt colon bad river butchers 137,598 51
sgt colon    bad river butchers
Cirgard 17026 sgt colon bad river butchers 93,547 8
sgt colon    Bad River Butcher
Greifental 17285 sgt colon Bad River Butcher 42,163 8
sgt colon    Bad River Butcher
East-Nagach 18372 sgt colon Bad River Butcher 37,649 3
sgt colon    Bad River Butchers
Fel Dranghyr 18967 sgt colon Bad River Butchers 25,371 11