3368 rank

53,892,499 points

18,137 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
joany    The Great A’Tuin
Greifental 3368 joany The Great A’Tuin 53,892,499 18,137
joany    the jousting jesters
Cirgard 5090 joany the jousting jesters 21,962,383 3,633
Korch 4590 joany 21,382,502 9,380
joany    jjs
Dinegu 6046 joany jjs 12,544,880 4,121
joany    Guild of Guilders 🛡
Arvahall 7199 joany Guild of Guilders 🛡 12,523,986 3,299
Houndsmoor 6485 joany 12,478,307 3,989
joany    jjs
Brisgard 6963 joany jjs 10,862,442 3,106
joany    Tideswell
Jaims 6262 joany Tideswell 8,876,717 3,484
joany    jousting jesters
Fel Dranghyr 6616 joany jousting jesters 8,415,219 3,101
East-Nagach 7082 joany +KNIGHTS-OF-CAMELOT+ 7,375,633 4,811
joany    jjs
Noarsil 6899 joany jjs 5,705,116 2,568
Langendorn 7117 joany 4,216,040 2,506
joany    Just Chillin'
Mount Killmore 9353 joany Just Chillin' 1,772,015 2,091
joany    The 300 spartans
Odhrorvar 8950 joany The 300 spartans 1,339,331 1,396
joany    Ctown
Sinerania 6960 joany Ctown 959,024 1,214
joany    Alliance of kingdoms
Parkog 7426 joany Alliance of kingdoms 761,124 468
Rugnir 9233 joany 377,296 750
Tuulech 7023 joany 167,000 407