7411 rank

5,483,381 points

304 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
shelley24    The Council
Brisgard 7367 shelley24 The Council 9,214,228 674
East-Nagach 6996 shelley24 7,795,761 278
shelley24    Lady of the Lake
Cirgard 7623 shelley24 Lady of the Lake 6,520,060 409
shelley24    The Horse ThievesĀ®
Arvahall 9304 shelley24 The Horse ThievesĀ® 5,595,460 835
shelley24    S.T.A.R.S
Greifental 7411 shelley24 S.T.A.R.S 5,483,381 304
shelley24    The Flaming Ring
Fel Dranghyr 7754 shelley24 The Flaming Ring 4,448,239 522