4477 rank

27,903,896 points

5,257 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
defy    The Mighty Pythons
East-Nagach 551 defy The Mighty Pythons 764,826,433 278,802
defy    Calm Down
Brisgard 3614 defy Calm Down 58,928,183 16,434
defy    Diamond chasers EN14
Odhrorvar 2991 defy Diamond chasers EN14 52,819,669 36,505
defy    The Horse ThievesĀ®
Arvahall 4321 defy The Horse ThievesĀ® 47,545,035 8,509
defy    united super power
Fel Dranghyr 3725 defy united super power 44,610,263 8,596
defy    Wild Fire
Cirgard 4093 defy Wild Fire 39,098,609 8,594
defy    Diamond miners
Dinegu 4249 defy Diamond miners 35,277,950 5,509
defy    =Napoleon's Return=
Houndsmoor 4901 defy =Napoleon's Return= 29,570,244 5,317
defy    Diamond Chasers
Jaims 4203 defy Diamond Chasers 28,288,383 4,879
defy    Diamond Chasers
Greifental 4477 defy Diamond Chasers 27,903,896 5,257
defy    Diamond Chasers
Korch 4487 defy Diamond Chasers 23,191,517 4,985
defy    Diamond Chasers
Noarsil 5367 defy Diamond Chasers 13,627,066 4,608
defy    Diamond Chasers
Langendorn 6744 defy Diamond Chasers 5,381,714 8,347
defy    Diamonds Forever
Mount Killmore 7515 defy Diamonds Forever 4,982,991 7,909