848 rank

466,958,822 points

133,917 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Greifental 848 fredcailloux 466,958,822 133,917
fredcailloux    The Thunder
Korch 7730 fredcailloux The Thunder 3,740,838 4,808
Tuulech 4703 fredcailloux 865,008 5,075
fredcailloux    Gladiators
Arvahall 14615 fredcailloux Gladiators 599,381 1,203
fredcailloux    Affiliate to Triumph
Cirgard 14192 fredcailloux Affiliate to Triumph 298,298 479
fredcailloux    Mad skillz
Jaims 14098 fredcailloux Mad skillz 157,630 196
fredcailloux    Camelot
Langendorn 13994 fredcailloux Camelot 116,272 319
fredcailloux    Canadians
Rugnir 12100 fredcailloux Canadians 90,410 257
fredcailloux    We The Best
Dinegu 16139 fredcailloux We The Best 84,319 263
fredcailloux    Vikings
Parkog 11695 fredcailloux Vikings 76,918 137
Uceria 7476 fredcailloux 74,228 405
fredcailloux    Red Quartz
East-Nagach 16532 fredcailloux Red Quartz 71,144 150
fredcailloux    TimeTravel
Fel Dranghyr 16230 fredcailloux TimeTravel 69,416 164
fredcailloux    Odyssey en14
Odhrorvar 15081 fredcailloux Odyssey en14 64,233 165
fredcailloux    lmao
Brisgard 19033 fredcailloux lmao 60,822 155
fredcailloux    NO GVG PLAY FOR FUN
Houndsmoor 17748 fredcailloux NO GVG PLAY FOR FUN 56,862 100
fredcailloux    MaidoftheManor
Noarsil 16824 fredcailloux MaidoftheManor 35,013 93
fredcailloux    Forge of honour
Sinerania 13768 fredcailloux Forge of honour 34,007 117
Mount Killmore 19844 fredcailloux 24,828 65