468 rank

833,949,041 points

129,401 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
thelambchopkid    ƤɍɝĐąŦȏřŞ ǤƦ
Cirgard 12 thelambchopkid ƤɍɝĐąŦȏřŞ ǤƦ 5,072,039,857 1,181,423
thelambchopkid    Slayers
East-Nagach 461 thelambchopkid Slayers 867,588,164 139,498
thelambchopkid    FRIENDS
Greifental 468 thelambchopkid FRIENDS 833,949,041 129,401
thelambchopkid    Journey In Peace
Brisgard 490 thelambchopkid Journey In Peace 832,286,756 131,905
thelambchopkid    The Golden Bunch
Arvahall 528 thelambchopkid The Golden Bunch 795,175,673 133,804