14417 rank

135,231 points

130 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tieran the Impetuous   
Odhrorvar 542 Tieran the Impetuous 598,252,146 163,073
Tieran the Impetuous   
Mount Killmore 15366 Tieran the Impetuous 142,177 113
Tieran the Impetuous   
Cirgard 15964 Tieran the Impetuous 136,199 122
Tieran the Impetuous   
Houndsmoor 15698 Tieran the Impetuous 135,753 113
Tieran the Impetuous   
Greifental 14417 Tieran the Impetuous 135,231 130
Tieran the Impetuous   
Langendorn 13669 Tieran the Impetuous 135,048 142
Tieran the Impetuous   
Dinegu 15106 Tieran the Impetuous 134,898 132
Tieran the Impetuous   
East-Nagach 15101 Tieran the Impetuous 134,587 132
Tieran the Impetuous   
Jaims 14430 Tieran the Impetuous 132,458 119
Tieran the Impetuous   
Arvahall 18830 Tieran the Impetuous 126,486 114
Tieran the Impetuous   
Fel Dranghyr 14872 Tieran the Impetuous 126,061 112
Tieran the Impetuous   
Korch 14422 Tieran the Impetuous 125,114 101
Tieran the Impetuous   
Brisgard 17154 Tieran the Impetuous 124,170 94