2412 rank

103,750,487 points

86,587 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Qwerty the Lazy    Justice League
Mount Killmore 1060 Qwerty the Lazy Justice League 298,744,231 103,301
Qwerty the Lazy    The Lost Tribe
Korch 2149 Qwerty the Lazy The Lost Tribe 108,661,521 47,557
Qwerty the Lazy    The Pirate Council
Greifental 2412 Qwerty the Lazy The Pirate Council 103,750,487 86,587
Qwerty the Lazy    Rest and Recreation
Dinegu 2590 Qwerty the Lazy Rest and Recreation 100,190,136 53,185
Qwerty the Lazy    The Lost Tribe
Langendorn 2580 Qwerty the Lazy The Lost Tribe 70,979,950 45,847
Qwerty the Lazy    Free Traders
Jaims 5758 Qwerty the Lazy Free Traders 11,710,204 15,607