11393 rank

559,738 points

1,623 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
pomerol    Future Forgers
Jaims 724 pomerol Future Forgers 455,613,255 240,062
pomerol    Knights of Camelot
Cirgard 10156 pomerol Knights of Camelot 1,622,148 3,358
pomerol    DIAMOND Paradise
Dinegu 10008 pomerol DIAMOND Paradise 1,411,769 3,808
Arvahall 12465 pomerol 1,298,753 3,932
pomerol    No to Diamonds 13
Fel Dranghyr 9981 pomerol No to Diamonds 13 1,206,431 3,366
East-Nagach 10292 pomerol 1,201,338 3,271
pomerol    GrayHawk
Brisgard 12450 pomerol GrayHawk 792,813 1,603
pomerol    Diamonds!
Houndsmoor 12026 pomerol Diamonds! 658,103 1,348
Greifental 11393 pomerol 559,738 1,623
pomerol    Firehunter
Mount Killmore 16486 pomerol Firehunter 89,313 684
pomerol    Easy going Guild
Langendorn 15091 pomerol Easy going Guild 67,046 756
Korch 17643 pomerol 29,994 281