7975 rank

3,803,314 points

4,447 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
McStuffin    Tha Mustangs
Mount Killmore 7490 McStuffin Tha Mustangs 5,076,607 5,395
McStuffin    Band of Brothers
Langendorn 6904 McStuffin Band of Brothers 4,800,360 5,252
McStuffin    Assassin's Empire
Greifental 7975 McStuffin Assassin's Empire 3,803,314 4,447
McStuffin    Who Cares
Dinegu 8712 McStuffin Who Cares 2,927,334 4,642
McStuffin    The celtic knights
Brisgard 9674 McStuffin The celtic knights 2,844,803 4,048
McStuffin    Julieta Nieta
Houndsmoor 9326 McStuffin Julieta Nieta 2,568,482 3,680