9606 rank

1,362,981 points

726 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
The Tapster    Bonnie Scotland
Arvahall 10028 The Tapster Bonnie Scotland 3,572,389 2,125
The Tapster   
Fel Dranghyr 8148 The Tapster 3,236,536 1,425
The Tapster    Rulers of Brisgard
Brisgard 9665 The Tapster Rulers of Brisgard 2,706,443 1,499
The Tapster    Charms
Jaims 9073 The Tapster Charms 1,618,330 843
The Tapster   
Mount Killmore 9796 The Tapster 1,419,353 891
The Tapster    Loners' Limited
Greifental 9606 The Tapster Loners' Limited 1,362,981 726